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Cornerstone Urgent Care & Family Medicine

Corporate Mission Statement



Cornerstone Urgent Care & Family Medicine (“Cornerstone UCFM”) is a Christian allopathic medical practice. As an independent clinic, we endeavor to faithfully apply Biblical principles as we care for patients and their families in Bonners Ferry, Idaho.



Medicine is a faithful study of the human body, which is made in the Image of God by a

loving Creator who makes His character known through His works (Genesis 5:1-2; Psalm 19).

We therefore pursue excellence and seek to please God through our work (Galatians 1:10;

2 Timothy 2:15). We will give an account for the care we give. (2 Cor 5:10).



God is “full of compassion,” and we seek to follow Christ’s example (Ps 116:5; Phil 2) by serving

our patients through cost-effective, attentive, and considerate care (Luke 10:25-29, Micah 6:8).

Sin has broken creation, including the bodies, minds, and souls of all people (Romans 5:12).

While we aim to improve health, treat illness and to promote good stewardship of our bodies,

we also acknowledge that only through faith in Christ Jesus is the power of sin and death

removed (1 Cor 15:56-57). We look forward to the end of sickness and death (Rev 21:4).


Ultimately, we seek to glorify God and to love our neighbor (Mark 12:30-31). We willingly

provide care for all people, as we obey Christ’s command to love our neighbor (Luke 10:25-37).



The practice of medicine utilizes a number of tools (medication, testing, surgery and

procedures) for the treatment of illness and alleviation of suffering. Unfortunately, these tools

that can be used for good are also being actively abused by physicians for grievous wrong.



We affirm:

● The central role & responsibility of parents to care for their children. (Prov 2:6)

● God’s creation of Male and Female as distinct and inviolable. (Matt 19:4)

● The value of every individual human life, regardless of perceptions of “quality.” (Eph 6:2)

● The need to speak the truth in love to our patients. (Eph 4:15)

We oppose:

● Efforts to evaluate and treat children independently of their parents.

● Chemical and surgical transgendering of patients.

● Abortion, and any medical treatments that would purposefully end the life of

an unborn child. (Psalm 139:13-16)

● Physician-assisted suicide. (Ex 20:13)

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